Sunday, September 18, 2011

Define Anomaly

Are you wondering how to define anomaly? The dictionaries define anomaly as something peculiar, irregular, or unusual.And when we talk about sleep anomaly called alpha EEG anomaly the meaning of this disorder would have become clear to you because how the dictionariesdefine anomaly above.
People who have fibromyalgia disorder also suffer from sleep deprivation because of their inability to achieve the proper sleep level required for both physical and emotional mind and body restoration. Some medical professionals think that this inability is because of the pain experienced by sufferer’s body and the experts also say that fibromyalgia patients moreover suffer from the disease called alpha EEG anomaly.
To define anomaly of this kind, the alpha waves present in the brain which are just active when a person is awake and go away when person sleep’s, suddenly becomes active when the brain must be in deep sleep. So how the dictionaries define anomaly is something unusual and here in this disease unusual behavior of alpha waves is seen.
Deep sleep is not only important for restoration of the body, but also required to produce nearly 8% of growth hormones that make muscle mass and increase bone density. Research have showed that physical exercise helps in getting this deep sleep level and increase the time of delta wave or slow wave brain process enhancing the growth hormones production.
It is also shown by studies that people suffering from fibromyalgia have lower levels of growth hormones; therefore medical professionals recommend physical exercise to such patients.
Research has also shown that fibromyalgia patients who take medications like antidepressants for curing this disease may sleep more but do not experience reduction in alpha EEG anomaly. Even with the increased sleep they are unable to have a good sleep and they are unable to obtain the deep sleep stage and are tired upon wakening.
This lack of sleep also has an effect on muscles as the required level of sleep is not achieved and the muscles are not repaired and this result in attack of other symptoms. Also this lack causes another problem called “fibro fog”. This causes fuzzy thinking, mental confusion, losing concentration, and short term memory loss.
There isn’t any treatment for fibromyalgia or alpha EEG anomaly, just a good sleep is the base behind getting rid of these and some of the patients have found prescription sleep aids helpful. Other methods of getting good night sleep is to maintain a regular sleep schedule by keeping the sleeping and waking up time same every day. Also, avoiding caffeine and white noise can help too.

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